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10 eBlasts your Residents Actually Want

10 eBlasts your Residents Actually Want

Chances are your residents have email inboxes filled to the brim with eBlasts from well-meaning companies trying to make a sale. Don’t add to their pile of digital junk mail. Instead, send them the content they care about. We have created a list of the top ten eBlasts your residents actually want!


Happenings around the community

Let your residents know what fun and exciting things are happening around your property!

  1. Upcoming Events. Let your residents know about the cool activities you have planned.
  2. New Amenity. Tell your residents when your new amenities are open for business.
  3. New Features. Clue your residents in about your new features. Whether it is a new piece of gym equipment, ride-sharing stop, delivery lockers, or whatever else, your residents would be happy to hear about it.
  4. Opening Day at the Pool. Nothing says summer is here like the first day at the pool! This is one grand opening your residents aren’t going to want to miss.


From your Team

While every eBlast comes from your leasing team, the emails in this category are used to make your residents feel respected by and connected to your leasing team.

  1. Holiday Greetings. Send your residents well-wishes during the holidays to show them you care and create an opportunity to connect with them.
  2. Resident Survey. Give your residents a chance to voice their opinions by sending them a resident survey.
  3. Office Closing. Keep your residents up-to-date by letting them know if you aren’t going to be around during regular business hours.



It may be your property, but for your residents, it’s home. Make sure they are updated on the anything maintenance-related.

  1. Valet Trash Service Canceled. Keeping your residents in the loop when it comes to trash pickup can save them from having to email you every time valet trash is canceled due to a holiday or bad weather.
  2. Seasonal Inspection Notice. Give your residents a heads-up about inspections so they can be prepared.
  3. Repainting or Building Repairs. Email your prospects before starting projects on their building. It lets them know that you are taking care of the issue and prepares them for any inconvenience the repairs may cause.


There you have it. The top 10 emails your residents actually want.