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3 predictions for ChatGPTs influence on lead generation

3 predictions for ChatGPTs influence on lead generation

Recently, Bing announced that it has integrated ChatGPT into its search engine. This comes as no surprise, given its announcement to invest billions in its parent company, OpenAI.

Although it's not live yet (you can get on the waitlist here), the preview provided a glimpse of what's to come and how it might affect the multifamily industry.

Here are a few of my predictions:

We won't be able to ignore Bing

In my own demos and presentations, I refer exclusively to Google when discussing SEO and PPC services. That's because Google holds an impressive 84% share of the search engine market—more when you take into account sites that Google partners with. Although Google just announced its own integrated chatbot, Bard, it's still lagging behind Bing.

Younger consumers are already experimenting with ChatGPT in droves. The promise of early access is a tempting offer, and if they have a great experience, they're likely to keep using it. With Bing at a 9% market share, there's plenty of room for growth, and it appears that's the direction they are heading.

We'll have to embrace Microsoft Ads

If market share goes to Bing, so will viewers. Currently, most multifamily lead generation campaigns don't include Microsoft Ads. The good news is that it's an easy transition from Google Ad campaigns to Bing. The bad news is that many multifamily suppliers have completely automated Google Ads management. Keeping track of two ad platforms will no doubt expand the workload for agencies, which could increase management fees or weaken your ad performance due to undermanaged accounts.

SEO will change

The introduction of Bing's ChatGPT could mean the end of simple search. SEO as we know it could become much more targeted. For example, right now, if you're looking for an apartment in the business district of Cincinnati, you'd search for "downtown Cincinnati apartments." But with ChatGPT, you'll be able to get very specific with your search, like: "tell me where I should rent in Cincinnati if I want to be within one block of the Connector and within 5 minutes of three coffee shops." The search result would likely provide results not only in the downtown Central Business District neighborhood, but nearby OTR, turning the concept of local search on its head.

But the question is: What data is Bing's ChatGPT using to determine recommendations? As this technology evolves, we will need to untangle some of those important questions to learn how SEO will be affected.

There are still many questions to be asked about how ChatGPT will affect the way we run ads, search, and interact online. But in the meantime, how do you see ChatGPT impacting you?