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Creating Simplicity

Creating Simplicity

I am thinking about the customer experience again today, partly because I am obsessed with it and partly because of a project meeting I had yesterday.  During the conversation, colleague A turned to colleague B (gotta protect the guilty, er…innocent) and said, “Just a heads up that Misty will really simplify the design and information.”  It was sort of meant as a warning, but I took it as a compliment. 

One thing I have learned in the business world is that we tend to make things too complicated.  Layering steps, approvals, policies, etc. makes activities feel more important and necessary than they actually are.  It is how a lot of big businesses are designed.  But if we avoid unnecessary rules and focus on doing the right thing, along with what provides value, we are much more productive in our day-to-day activities.  And, our customer experience is much more sincere. Right? 

Our days are just getting busier, but most of our spent time feels like preparation before we do the real work or in some cases, just busy work.  Let’s strip down the check-lists and focus on simplicity in everything from reports to customer correspondence.

Now, just a warning…  Simple does not mean easy.  This might actually be more difficult, because it requires a huge commitment to your strategy and responsibilities. We naturally want those superfluous steps.  We’ve gotten dependent on the never-ending tasks and gut checks.  Maybe start by asking yourself if things you do should be done at all.  And then, only do/share/design what is important.

Let’s tie this back to the customer experience now.  It might be time to rethink customer service policies.  Why not have a policy that states, “No reasonable request denied.”  Let your teams decide what is reasonable according to their resources and capabilities.  And, let them be transparent with residents and prospects about what that is. 

Technology has leveled the playing field, and you are now competing with communities and management companies of all sizes.  If we simplify the way we work, we stay nimble and competitive. We stay connected to the customer and the needs of the market, because we are allowing ourselves to process, learn, and inonvate quickly.