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Elephant In the Room

Elephant In the Room


In my career I made many mistakes, we all do. Some were easy to remedy and others took more work. I had to break away from ego-based decisions and people pleasing, there is no room for these behaviors in a healthy organization.

Fortunately for me, I took part in numerous training sessions, one-on-one coachings, everything from Toastmasters to public speaking and lots & lots of candid feedback. People and companies took time to invest in my learning and career - which I am forever grateful for. Now it is my turn to pass it on! Such a vital ingredient to being a successful leader is developing a curious mindset and remaining teachable. So I am here as a teacher and coach:). This series encompasses some easily resolvable mistakes, that you can overcome. We will talk about 5 Mistakes Leaders Make over a few weeks and you will learn techniques to change those patterns.

Wikipedia: The expression "the elephant in the room" is a metaphorical idiom in English for an important or enormous topic, question, or controversial issue that is obvious or that everyone knows about but no one mentions or wants to discuss because it makes at least some of them uncomfortable and is personally, socially, or politically embarrassing, controversial, inflammatory, or dangerous.

As a leader, manager and team member you must "Lean In" to help your team call an elephant an elephant. Successful teams cannot afford to take Elephants hostage. The Elephant in the Room is disruptive and a morale-killer. Learn the signs of an untamed elephant and how to tame the elephant before it tramples your team's performance.