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Investing in Yourself as Property Managers

Investing in Yourself as Property Managers

Benjamin Franklin said “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest”, and for property managers who have a wealth of opportunity to grow with the multifamily housing industry, this quote has quite a bit of substance. While there are plenty of driven students who can’t find enough opportunities for learning, many people need some guidance and motivation to get back into the classroom after they have finished their primary education. There are plenty of different driving factors that make a person want to learn more about their craft, but it can sometimes to be difficult to find accessible options.

Depending on your level of interest, here are 3 fantastic opportunities to increase your multifamily credentials:


1. Re-Introduce Yourself to Learning

Sometimes we can all use a ‘jumpstart’ to get back in the classroom, and what better way than by choosing what you want to learn, when you want to study it and being able to do so inexpensively. Website courses through Udemy provide access to a broad catalog of options for all sorts of industries including property management. You can begin with beginner courses in marketing and sales, or dive deeper into more advanced material such as property acquisitions and portfolio management. Everything is available online using videos and study guides with an emphasis for moving along at your own pace.

2. Consider Advancement Within Your Industry

The multifamily housing industry offers plenty of advanced credentialing programs that will significantly boost your reputation. The National Apartment Association’s Education Institute (NAAEI) has courses developed for all levels of property management to help you continue growing and excelling within the industry. If you think your job of working with apartment rentals has the potential of turning into a career (pro tip: it does!) then it can be highly advantageous to acquire certifications for property management.

3.Take Advantage of Opportunities Around you

Generally your job is going to require you work with many programs and vendors. When you are focusing your career within a specific industry (such as property management) you are likely to encounter the same suppliers at different companies you may work for. Consider asking your vendors whether they offer any kind of educational courses to help you excel at working with their programs. For example, all property management companies have some form of tenant screening requirement. If your tenant screening provider is a member of the National Consumer Reporting Association (NCRA) you have free access to become certified through their Safe Access for Credit course. This is a transferrable certification that shows property management companies and applicants that you are properly trained in handling sensitive consumer information.

With the average person working well into their 60’s and beyond it is in your best interest to continue educating yourself throughout your career. When opportunities arise it can be great, but sometimes you have to be a self starter to get what you need. Start with the opportunities around you, and see where it can take you!


What types of easily accessible education opportunities can you recommend to your property management colleagues? How has adding knowledge and credentials to your resume helped your career? Let me know in the comments below, and please be sure to rate this article and subscribe!