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Loveable Features and Amenities

Loveable Features and Amenities


When thinking about what renters want while apartment searching, it’s natural to assume floor plans, costs and location. These factors are instrumental in the decision-making process, and are impactful points for marketing. However, what about the smaller details that also affect decisions?


Prospects are going to review multiple locations within a radius that have similar structural and proximity offerings within their price range. When marketing, know what additional benefits your community has to offer that sets you apart from your competitors.


For Rent Media Solutions™ surveyed renters nationwide for insight on their search habits, communication style, and amenities and features.  The white paper shares the full survey findings, but for now, let’s focus on the small details: amenities and features.





Of course there are standard amenities that are common necessities, but what about the other amenities? The survey unveiled some interesting amenities that renters would like to have in their apartments.


The top amenity renters requested is a recycling center. There is a growing green movement that promotes an eco-friendly lifestyle.  With this, more people are recycling, utilizing reusable items and maximizing their carbon footprint by not driving as much. Having a recycling center location offers a lot of benefits including appealing to the “green thinking” renters as well as showcasing a unique amenity for marketing. Don’t have a recycling center? Consider creating a document that lists the recycling centers closest to the apartment community, then send that to your residents.


The other two top amenities are a poolside kitchen with a grill and a theater room. Places for social gathering are an attractive perk for residents, and they also support community camaraderie. You increase the likelihood of resident retention when your residents like their environment and feel part of a community. A poolside kitchen or theater rooms are great settings for resident engagement – a foundation for  “getting to know your neighbors.” When considering adding major amenities in your community, you will want to check with your legal counsel and insurance providers to make sure you are not only approved to add the grill or theater room, but that you follow any regulations required.




All renters have their core features they want with an apartment. Many common ones include location, view and layout. The Next Generation of Renters survey revealed interior features that renters love and that you may already offer, but should highlight in your marketing. The first feature renters want is wireless internet. In these tech-savy times, community-wide WiFi is considered a hot spot.


Other features that topped the list included hardwood floors and built-in bookcases. Hardwood floors have a lot of benefits for residents. While the minor downfall can be increased noise for some apartments, it provides flexibility for decorating with rugs, as well as they are easy cleaning.


The apartment lifestyle will also always embrace extra storage. Built-in bookcases are an enticing feature that could actually be a deal-maker for renters looking for space.  If you don’t have a built-in bookcase, consider a portal bookcase for a move-in incentive or renewal gift.


There are common search attributes that a majority of renters will consistently use to find their next apartments, but it’s the details that set you apart from your competitors. Unique amenities and features help attract residents and provide an added value to your marketing. Just remember, residents love the smaller details.