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Seven Tips for Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

Seven Tips for Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing campaigns can be a great way to reach current and prospective renters. After all, most people have easy access to some type of electronic device throughout the day – whether it’s a computer, tablet or smartphone. While other forms of electronic communication, such as text messaging and social media, continue to grow in popularity, email is still the preferred channel for consumers to receive both personal and marketing communication according to ExactTarget.

However, the average person’s inbox is often full of emails – sometimes hundreds a week. How can you break through the clutter to get your message heard by your audience? Below are seven tips for building more effective email campaigns.  

1.       Rethink your subject lines: An effective subject linecan stand out in crowded inboxes and entice your audience to read your email. Subject lines should be compelling and specific so the reader knows exactly what to expect from your email. If you’re sending an email to prospective renters with tips for moving on a budget, consider a subject line like “5 Tips for Saving Money When Moving” rather than “Hello from ABC Apartments.”

2.       Personalize when possible. Use the same tone in your email campaigns that you would use when talking to a friend. Instead of opening with a generic greeting such as “To Whom It May Concern,” or “Greetings,” consider including the person’s first name. Carry out that friendly (yet professional) tone throughout the entire email by avoiding excessive use of jargon and “business speak.”

3.       Send relevant content. I recently subscribed to an email newsletter that promised to send healthy recipes, and soon they were also sending me parenting tips. This came as a surprise to me since I don’t have any children and I quickly unsubscribed. The lesson here is your email campaigns should not be one size fits all. Instead, segment your audience and make sure you are sending your readers content that will resonate with them. Relevant content will keep your audience engaged and more likely to continue reading your emails.

4.       Include a clear call to action. Tell readers what you want them to do, and make it easy for them to take action. For example, if you want your audience to call you to set up an appointment for a tour, make sure your contact information is prominent.  

5.       Proofread before you hit send.  It may seem obvious, but I can’t tell you how many times I have received an email from a company with a typo or two. Your emails are a reflection of your brand, so proofread them for spelling and grammar. Then, proofread them again. Plus, it never hurts to have a second set of eyes, so consider designating one of your coworkers as your email editor.

6.       Don’t over-email. Email marketing is an instance when quality trumps quantity. After all, no one wants to be bombarded by emails from one company. If you send too many emails, you run the risk of your audience deleting your emails – or possibly unsubscribing altogether.

7.       Try new things. Test different subject lines. Try including video (according to MarketingSherpa, it can lift conversion rates by 50%). Try sending emails at different times of the day. The bottom line? Don’t be afraid to experiment. You might be surprised to see what works and what doesn’t.

What tips would you add to this list?