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Mind the Gap! Google's hotel VS apartments knowledge graph

Mind the Gap! Google's hotel VS apartments knowledge graph

Google’s knowledge graph is their biggest asset in taking down industry leaders. How close is Google’s multifamily Apartments Knowledge Graph to their Hotels Knowledge Graph? We take a close look:

Apartments Knowledge Graph vs. Hotel Knowledge Graph

When a user searches for a hotel, they are looking to do a few essential tasks:

  1. Get and compare a hotel’s basic information
  2. Get and compare a hotel’s pricing information
  3. Book a room

Google’s knowledge graph for hotels supports all of the above functions.

But, Google’s knowledge graph for apartments is not that far behind. It can do the first but not the second and third items.

This is how the two compare on a search engine page:

Google Knowledge Graph for Hotels vs. Apartments

What’s Similar Between the Hotels & Apartments Knowledge Graphs?

Both contain the basics, such as photos, links to maps, links to websites, etc.

Knowledge Panel Slice 1

Hotel and Apartment details are found in both panels. Though, it seems a lot more thought has gone into the hotel’s description.

Knowledge Panel Slice 3

Since reviews are a part of Google’s platform, there is hardly any difference here.

Knowledge Panel Slice 5

What’s Different Between the Hotel and Apartments Knowledge Graphs?

There are two essentials missing from the apartments’ knowledge graph:

  1. No amenities
  2. No call-to-action to “Apply” for a lease or even schedule a tour

Knowledge Panel Slice 2Knowledge Panel Slice 4

However, it is only a matter of time before Google adds apartment amenities and floor plan pricing to their Knowledge Graph.

Once they do that, expect a lot of ready-to-apply leads coming from Google.

In our next article we’ll do a comparison of these Knowledge Graphs on Google Maps... (To catch the next article in this series, make sure you subscribe, below!)


Your turn now. What do you think? How long before Google fills the gap to complete the Apartment Knowledge Graph? Please share in the comments below!