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How Do I Lease Apartments if My Amenities Aren't Good?

How Do I Lease Apartments if My Amenities Aren't Good?

I feel like you and I are friends and that I can confide certain things to you, without your judging me. So, since we are simpatico, I don’t mind telling you that in 8th Grade, I was kind of a big deal. I was voted  “Most Likely to Succeed” and “Most Comical” (when do you see that combination?) and life was good. It was nice. I’m not going to lie. 


Then I transitioned to high school and everything changed. Everything. 


Will Anyone Go on a Date With Me??


All of a sudden I realized that girls were not really attracted to me in high school. I saw that I was being overlooked in favor of “the jocks!” (Apparently skinny guys who played clarinet was not a big commodity in high school! Who knew??) 


The big thing that happened to me was that all of my confidence in dealing with girls was destroyed. I either approached girls timidly and awkwardly or tried too hard too fast to make an impression. Not good. 


Meanwhile, I saw that some of the guys who I thought were jerks (yes, I was biased), and also not that great looking, seemed to attract girls with no problem! What gives? I realized that many of them were confident.


There is just something hugely attractive about confidence isn’t there? Don’t you find that you naturally gravitate towards someone who exudes confidence?


Thrown Off My Game


In looking back at my childhood, I realized that when the rules of the game changed, I was not prepared for it. That in turn made me self-conscious, awkward, reluctant and not all that attractive. I doubted who I was and what I had to offer and that made other people doubt those things about me too. 


Now, I understand that a lot of this was a result of simply being a teenager and we all go through it…but there is still a powerful lesson here. Confidence is attractive in our personal lives, in romance, with friends  and yes, while leasing apartments too!


If you feel that your amenities (or lack thereof) are holding you back, there’s hope…if you’ll be confident in what you do have to offer. 


Simply a Bonus?


First of all, did you know that many renters viewed amenities as simply a “bonus” and not as a must have in their apartment search. So, even if you don’t have the bells and whistles of some of your competitors, all is not lost! Be confident in what you do have and what you can offer!


Here is one way to handle this…


Customer: “I notice you don’t have a fitness center. That’s kind of a bummer.”

Associate: “Yeah I know. I’ve been trying to tell my manager that we should put one in, but, what can you do?”


Or you can try this:


Customer: “I notice you don’t have a fitness center. That’s kind of a bummer.”

Associate: “Can I ask you a question? Is a fitness center a make or break issue for you?”

Customer: “Well….I guess not. Would be nice to have though.”

Associate: “I can understand. But do you know why so many of our residents choose to live here? Because it has the kind of relaxed, comfortable, homey feel that many newer communities just can’t offer. And honestly, many residents say the same thing you just said about the fitness center … it would be nice to have, but it’s not a make or break issue.”


You Have Something to Offer


The bottom line in this is even if your amenities don’t compare to your comps, you don’t have to put your tail between your legs and just say “I can’t compete!” Yes you can! 


Just know who you are and what you have to offer! (And you do have something to offer!) Then, choose to be confident when offering it. 


(If only I figured that out earlier in high school. I might have had a couple more dates!)