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Elephant In the Room

  In my career I made many mistakes, we all do. Some were easy to remedy and others took more work. I had to break away from ego-based decisions and people pleasing, there is no room for these behaviors in a healthy organization. Fortunate ...

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Are You Curious?

Are you curious? Did you know that your mind is like a muscle? How does curiosity build leadership? 1. It makes your mind active instead of passive. Curious people always ask questions and search for answers. The mental exercise caused by curiosity makes your mind stronger and stronger.2. It causes your mind to be observant of new ideas. When the ideas come you will recognize them. Without curiosity, the ideas may pass righ ...

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Lindsey - isn’t it wonderful when you “LOVE” your job (heart)

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How to Fall In Love with Your Job

Let's face it - we have all kissed a few frogs.  Learn how to get the most out of your current job or share with a broken-hearted team mate. Not loving your job?  Wishing that you had taken a right instead of a left?  Let's talk about how to handle these situations. Can you dance, pivot?  Do you make lemonade out of lemons?  What story do you tell yourself?   Your mind is a powerful force.  Sometimes you need to ...

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How to Fall in Love with Your Job

Let's face it - we have all kissed a few frogs. Learn how to get the most out of a "this isn't the job I thought it was" love affair. Or share some of the...

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