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Has anyone heard when the NMHC Top Amenities report is coming out? If I missed it, Does anyone have it? TIA!

Brent Williams Just heard back from NMHC on this: "The release date is still in the works. Sit tight--I should have an answer in the upcoming weeks!"
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Baseball Schmaseball - The Savannah Bananas

Baseball.The oldest traditional sport in America. Also, arguably the most boring and certainly can be the longest.It’s easy in anything in life to become complacent and not to want to change “the way it’s always been done”.The Savannah Bananas are breaking the mold of baseball and I’m HERE for it.So many times in property management I’ve seen people viewing change as a threat.What if ...

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Do first impressions deserve a second chance?

Possible unpopular opinion post. To he*l with first impressions. How many times a day are you lost in a thought, remembered something important, thought of something sad, or got really excited? I think we can all admit we're a bit overstimulated. In those moments you're meeting people, passing by people, and interacting with them first time. Sometimes knowingly, sometimes not. So my question is - Do first impres ...

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I say it every year - Go forth and, be kind!



Make Kindness The Norm

See our collection of fun kindness ideas, inspirational stories & quotes, FREE K-8 lesson plans and more. Let's make kindness the norm.

Amy Harris Love this!
Janet Cornett I love this!! Let's please make kindness the norm!
Monica Love this!
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What can you do with the #13SecondsChallenge?

Happy Tuesday everyone!   Losing stings.   It doesn’t matter why, or how, or in what capacity.   As the age old saying goes, it’s what you do with that loss. It’s how you come out of it, right?   It’s taken me almost 3 weeks to “get over” the Bills loss to the Chiefs.   It all happened in 13 seconds.   I’ve been wallowing, and angry ever since. ...

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you the Worry Nap. https://becauseisaidiwould.org/worrynap/ Now, I don’t know about you but my mind races as soon as I lay down. D ...

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