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If the topic were cut and dried, it would be much easier for property teams. That is not the case with assistance animal accommodation requests, however. They are filled with nuances that can make them very challenging to the untrained eye—and sometimes even to those experienced on the topic.To help make sense of the many rules and regulations, industry experts held an in-depth examination of HUD's most recent notice on assistance animals, the ri ...

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Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership at Apartment Communities

Perhaps one of the most positive developments in the rental-housing industry over the past decade is the increased focus on pet-friendly communities. Operators understand the importance—and benefits—of better catering to pet owners and have begun to create less-rigid policies.  But with the increased volume of pets and pet-centric amenities, operators also must promote another facet of the equation—responsible pet ownership.

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New Study Shows a Dog’s Behavior Isn’t Predicted by Breed

Many look at a dog and believe they can immediately assess its personality. The breed tells the story, correct? Not according to a recent detailed study published in the journal Science, the findings of which dismiss many popular dog stereotypes. The genome study, dubbed Darwin’s Ark, showed that the behavioral characteristics of dogs are “polygenic, environmentally influenced, and found, at varying prevalence, in all breeds.” The stud ...

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It isn’t only non-pet owners who can be put off by irresponsible pet owner behavior. According to a multifamily survey conducted by PetScreening and J. Turner Researc ...

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Call it the hidden variable of an apartment community’s pet population—visiting pets. While community teams have steadily gravitated toward crafting pet policies more reflective of the modern resident, these policies oftentimes omit this cr ...

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As more and more communities allow pets onsite, most operators are seeing an uptick in assistance animal accommodation requests. It’s no secret that there are bad actors trying to pass their pets off as assistance animals to circumvent pet fees an ...

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