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Pick Me Up - I Make You Money

"I can never get in touch with the office!"   When I was a Property Manager, as recently as last spring, I would hear repeatedly from sales prospects that they could never get in touch with people in the management office. I'm pretty stubborn (yes, sometimes to a fault), and found these comments hard to believe.  I thought these folks may be exaggerating a tad bit. Or a property may have staffing issues. As a whole, t ...

Donje Putnam YES!! Answer the darn phone! I'm calling you if I'm frustrated with the other ways you've given me to solve the problem or because it is URGENT TO ME.
Jo Worthington Yes mam!
Mary Gwyn Jo, great and true post! Thank you!
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It's a New Year! What are Your Team Members Resolutions?

Happy New Year On-Site Teams.   Many of us look forward to new beginnings. And that's why when the calendar year hits a new number, this allows a perfect opportunity to think about personal and business goals.    For this blog, let's drill down to goals specific ...

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