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The multifamily housing industry faces a growing challenge during peak leasing season — the scourge of package theft. As more residents move into communities and online shopping continues to surge, the volume of packages delivered to these properties is skyrocketing. Unfortunately, this influx of packages has also attracted the attention of opportunistic thieves, leaving property managers and residents alike grappling with the consequences — rais ...

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Technology plays an integral role in enhancing various aspects of life. Younger generations, who are the primary drivers of the rental housing industry, now expect a living experience that delivers a new level of convenience and comfort. It may sound harsh, but renters may refuse to rent in a community that fails to adequately meet their tech preferences. Residents are redefining convenience and connectivity as part of their quest to gain greater ...

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The trees, lights and decorations have been taken down, and everyone is slowing down after the holidays. Well, almost everyone. January marks the beginning of a new chapter — one that involves holiday returns, residents spending gift cards, and addressing the evolving needs of a community embarking on a new rental season. Carrying efficient package management into the new year will enhance residents' experiences and provide value-added amenities ...

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From sparkling lights and decorations to resident events and parties, multifamily operators go all out to foster a festive environment during the holidays. But how many apartment communities take steps to mitigate security issues that could put a damper on the holiday spirit? One of the primary sources of resident complaints around the holidays is package management. The surge in online consumerism over the holidays floods apartment communities w ...

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 A true sense of "home" is often elusive for renters, who typically view their residence as temporary, but establishing that feeling of belonging is essential to a positive living experience. However, that sensation isn't always found within the walls of an individual apartment. Home is often created through a greater connection with one's surroundings, the warmth of community and interpersonal connection. At multifamily communities, a sense ...

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Package volume keeps climbing at multifamily communities as e-commerce activity continues to escalate. Property management companies often deploy solutions like package lockers or rooms to ease the burden on their onsite teams. But few package management systems offer the scalability to handle the volume that accompanies the holiday season or other surges in online consumerism. During those seasonal shopping events, the influx of packages arrivin ...

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