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Amanda Hill shared 2 photos in the Avatar Photos album 3 months ago

What a cute idea! This is something everyone can contribute to and show their creativity.

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Becki Lord-Pauley and 5 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 8 months ago

Kristi F. Wow Moment

Amanda Hill and 2 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 9 months ago

Katie R. Wow Moment

Brent Williams and 2 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 9 months ago

Joelis B.R. Wow Moment

Amanda Hill and 2 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 9 months ago

Doug C. Wow Moment

Stay safe

"And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile, And you may find yourself in a beautiful house..." Talk about taking a song literally. This was a dentist office, so he wasn't trying to reserve his apartment. What is the weirdest thing someone has done to claim a unit?

How did this happen?!

Felicia Norman They should just leave it in there, it looks like decor.
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Fool me once... shame on you... fool me twice, well they didn't get fooled twice did they?! How would you handle a package thief?

Thief gets Caught

Brent Williams Justice! They are lucky that person didn't bulldoze that gate, though!
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Felicia Norman and 2 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 1 year ago

Gatorade fountain?

They call this cat Tony Pawk... and I think it is totally Pawsome! What is the coolest animal trick you have seen at your community?

Tony Pawk

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Andi Armstrong and 3 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 1 year ago

Newest (and Cutest) Tenants

What type of tree is this?! Those roots defiantly were looking for some water. Has anyone experience anything like this?

Talk about a Clogged Pipe!

Felicia Norman That's about the amount of hair I seem to lose when I wash my hair. lol
Brent Williams They will always find water!
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How many violations... let me count the ways. How would you handle this if it was your maintenance worker?!

Why women live longer

Felicia Norman I hope my maintenance personnel are smart enough to know NOT to do that!! Wow.
Brent Williams Oh no! How is anyone that ladder illiterate?
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Gerry Hunt and 3 others people reacted to Felicia Norman's Video 1 year ago

This Apartment Comes with a Mirror

This guy was happy to have his "free" mirror when he moved into his apartment but 8 months later, he notices it's not just a mirror!

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