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Managing a multifamily property efficiently often involves optimizing how rent is collected. For property managers, automating resident payments means creating a system where all forms of payment, including checks and cash, are converted into digital transactions. This approach accommodates residents' payment preferences and enhances the efficiency of processing rent payments for the property management company on the back end.What is an automate ...

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The evolution towards digitalization in property management, particularly in the arena of rent collection, signifies a pivotal shift. Traditional methods of rent payment, dominated by checks and money orders, not only impose an unnecessary administrative burden but also delay financial workflows and expose companies to increased risks of fraud — an issue that has alarmingly doubled since 2021. Despite digital payment innovations, 40% of rent paym ...

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Mark Peters shared a photo. 1 year ago

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For multifamily owners & operators, an unstable economic environment can compromise cash flow. What can you do to protect your revenue both in this economy and in the longer-term? The bumpy U.S. economy If you think about the last few years as a commercial flight, the multifamily industry pre-pandemic was taxiing on the tarmac. Then, the plane took off as rent prices surged in 2021. Nationally, the cost to rent an apartment rose by 17.6%, and ...

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7 Trends that Influenced Resident Retention & Acquisition in 2022

As we kickstart 2023, it’s likely that you’re brainstorming ways to keep two components of your business strong: resident retention and resident acquisition.   A good starting point is to look at the trends that influenced retention and acquisition in 2022.  That’s because there were several dynamics that influenced these areas that are still going to affect your business in the New Year.  One thing that’s clear is that w ...

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9 Mistakes Property Managers Make with Utility Management

Utilities are one of the biggest expenses for apartment communities. And with inflation pushing the price of utilities to record-highs, it’s even more important that you’re keeping these expenses to a minimum.  Luckily, the right utility management strategies will not only help you keep costs down, but present an opportunity to bring in added revenue. Before that can happen, you need to assess every aspect of your utility program. Beca ...

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Why community associate turnover is so high (and what to do about it)

Offering a positive resident experience benefits many areas of your business, especially renter retention and acquisition. There are many ways to create a great living experience for your residents, but one key factor sometimes gets overlooked - your community associates.  That’s because happy and fulfilled employees are far more likely to be attentive and courteous ...

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