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It has morphed from an obscure acronym to a primary objective for apartment operators. ESG is the short form of environmental, social and governance—as most now know but might not have five years ago—and essentially measures an organization's commitment to environmental and social impacts and evaluates the way it manages those components.A company's ESG metrics are becoming increasingly important to investors, residents, stakeholders and the publ ...

Jessica Pope Great article, Miguel! SatisFacts research recently released the 2024 Online Renter Study which included questions pertaining to ESG and perception of companies. It was so interesting to see 89.9% of renters say they would discontinue doing business with any company that treats the environment, it's employees, or the community in which they operate poorly. And additionally to see 77.5% of those that understand ESG say that they would choose an apartment from a management company that actively incorporates ESG practices. These response percentages were higher based on significantly high percentages from the 18-24 age range, which is the group we should be keeping our eyes on and start gearing our marketing and operations strategies towards these more technology-fluent and engaged renters. I agree - ESG is not a fad and we expect to see these percentages continue to climb as we continue to ask renters about ESG and how it impacts their perception of companies.
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