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Gerry Hunt is friends with Dom Beveridge

Munish Gandhi is friends with Dom Beveridge

This week I had the pleasure of attending RealWorld 2023, RealPage's annual user conference in Las Vegas. It was an enjoyable couple of days that at once offered a glimpse of the future of an evolving industry giant and a trip or two down memory lane. I will share my thoughts on both in this article.My last visit to RealWorld was in 2018, when I ran the event for RealPage. The changes to the event in the intervening years are instructive of the c ...

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 Centralization, as we all know, is a hot topic in the multifamily industry. This conversation began a few years ago when a few public REITs began to talk about changes to their property staffing models. I, among others, initially believed that once centralization started, everyone else would follow. If a few companies were achieving superior returns, the rest would naturally want to emulate them.However, the last two years of 20 for 20 rese ...

Donje Putnam This is a great article. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and this great information!
Ellen Thompson Dom's posts never fail to disappoint. I didn't know that the Assistant Property Manager role was being outsourced. Who are the suppliers? The PMCs or are there startups capitalizing on this? Does this mean we might start to see leasing outsourced in fully virtual environments??? Personally, I still think the average person wants an agent led tour and that A+ properties need the sales experience to sell the value of the priciest assets.
Dom Beveridge Thanks Ellen - the outsourcing provider is AVB and the client is Gables - see press release below.

The thing that's interesting that admin outsourcing is that those tasks we associate with APMs tend to be done in shared services by most big companies. By moving it offsite (or in this example to a third party) you get to focus property teams exclusively on selling/service delivery. I think that's a great approach. Leasing centralization looks highly context-specific to me.

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NAA APARTMENTALIZE 2023 is in the books, and it was a week of high energy and excitement in Atlanta. The industry's biggest trade show seemed especially full of new and exciting innovations, particularly for those focused on technology. Once again, new applications of AI seemed to take center stage. We now seem to be in a cycle where each industry event will feature new companies and solutions that supplant the hot innovations of the previous sho ...

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In the few weeks since this year's AIM conference in early May, I have been reflecting on AI, which was the dominant theme of this year's show. Like many people, I have been tinkering with generative AI since late 2022. Some ideas from the sessions at AIM have changed how I think about this technology, as I will describe in this article.I have previously expressed the view that many in our industry may be approaching AI the wrong way. The crucial ...

Ken Dom - Good take on Ai utility and thinking differently about its uses. Very helpful. Curious - what method was used to feed ChatGPT the apartment reviews (per your second example). A third party scraping tool?
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The 2023 Apartment Innovation and Marketing (AIM) conference is in the books, and it was another great one last week in Huntington Beach.As usual, the content was current, carefully curated, and prompted extensive conversation among this year's record audience. The application of AI took center stage, with numerous sessions considering how it may change multifamily operations. In reviewing my notes from this event, I started to notice a bifurcati ...

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A couple of weeks ago, NMHC released its annual lists of the top 50 multifamily owners and developers. As usual, the lists provide an excellent touchpoint on the state of our industry. This year's lists disclose something interesting about a changing industry structure.Conveniently, this observation provides excellent context for a panel I am helping to prepare for next week's AIM conference: "Design, Collaboration and BizDev: The New PropTech Ve ...

Brent Williams It seems to me that the power balance between the independent owners who are not also operators and their 3rd party managers is going to tip towards the managers over time. I could be wrong, but in order to stay competitive with centralization, a streamlined integration across entire 3rd party portfolios is going to become even more important. As for owner-operators, it wouldn't surprise me to see that trend reversed and them to increase consolidation in this space. Centralization just has the inevitability of consolidations in one way or another, and I think the days of massive fragmentation of our industry are dwindling.
Guest Insider I think the lending conditions have mostly determined how the industry has changed. Over the last decade, the supply of cheap money has brought many more and smaller companies into the industry, which is a great thing!

Third party managers aren't really a force for standardization. They will not usually risk a management contract based on tech preferences. Remember also that so much tech involves connectivity in specific properties. Third party managers don't control that. So I think fragmentation will probably be with us for the foreseeable...
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I was recently facilitating an executive roundtable about a subject that's near and dear to my heart: centralization.The session, which took place at RETCON 2023 in Brooklyn, was hosted by payments company, Domuso and was entitled "The Future of Work, Rent, Admin and Back Office Centralization." It included a diverse group of about 12 multifamily leaders representing fee management, small and large owner-operators and some investors. Together we ...

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This week, ProPublica released another article in its series about multifamily revenue management (RM). Normally this would be unremarkable; after all, since the original article last October, there has been a steady flow of articles from myriad outlets, mostly restating the points of that original piece. But what is interesting about this most recent article is that it exposes just how poorly ProPublica understands the practices of RM and how li ...

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This week I am excited to launch the fifth annual edition of 20 for 20. For those unfamiliar, the white paper summarizes 20 in-depth interviews with ten heads of technology and ten COOs from multifamily organizations, which took place at the end of 2022. This year, the format of the questions changed somewhat because I wanted to get to the bottom of centralization. The new edition prioritizes process and property roles to understand the impli ...

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Since ChatGPT was released, there has been a great deal of discussion about how it and other Open AI applications will impact marketing. The conversation touches on several ideas I have shared in recent blogs—especially how abundant content does not necessarily mean persuasive content. To sum up the main points of the last few blogs in one sentence: markets will reward companies that can teach the most unique, relevant and hel ...

Ellen Thompson To oversimplify it, AI uses statistic models to determine what words should belong together. By definition, it's not creating new and original ideas. And as we saw in Stacey Feeney's post, the text it creates lacks the depth and finesse of engaging writing. I agree with your assessment that's going to be game changing because it will speed up the creation of original content. It will help us get past writer's block, make it easier to get going, and free up time for us to think of more great insights to include in those pieces. I'm all for this. But keep in mind if you are using Open AI to churn out blog posts to boost SEO, don't bother. While Google acknowledges we've been using language generation tools forever, it's against its spam policies to use it to manipulate rankings. Long story short, use it as a writing assistant, not a substitute. You'll find Google's guidance on AI content here: developers.google.com/search/blog/2023/02/google-s…
Dom Beveridge Really good points Ellen - that last one especially. It's an assistant not a replacement - as I said it does the *verb,* writing (ie the mechanical thing where you turn ideas into final copy), but the *noun,* writing is a collaboration between human and machine.

Here's another thing that I'm getting increasingly skeptical about: A lot of marketing blogs, etc are talking about how OpenAI can research topics and speed up eg the research that a marketer might do when they're trying to understand a topic for a blog that they want to write. It's true that the AI can do that, but it seems to me that if you can ask the AI to summarize knowledge on a given topic and it can do so immediately, I don't see what value there will be in creating blogs like that. If it's as easy to ask the AI to write a 700 word precis of eg the best book on a topic, why would you want to search for an article written by somebody else who doesn't understand the subject anything like as well? Today people churn out...
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  In the last few months, I published a couple of articles about some of the shortcomings in how companies tackle content marketing, specifically content written to persuade people to buy certain products.  The first article was about the realities of marketing through digital platforms and how they create a natural pressure for everybody's content to be too similar. As the article argued, the antidote is to focus on "non-obvious" content. A su ...

Brent Williams Dom, your ears are probably burning because I was talking about this with someone recently, and then saw it pop up on Facebook. Definitely making an impact.
Dom Beveridge Ha! As Oscar Wilde said, "there's only one thing worse than being talked about...!"

Glad it's generating some discussion - the last piece in this series (about ChatGPT) is coming out next week, along with a new white paper on the subject - stay tuned...
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Why Regionals Know Best

I was recently discussing property management, operations, and technology with a senior asset manager, who made a comment that stuck in my mind: "Great regionals can overcome an average operating platform, but a great operating platform can't overcome average regionals."  The comment struck a chord with ...

Brent Williams Great blog, Dom, and we were discussing the same "REIT bias" on a process level - the question of how much centralization can be applied across 3rd party operators. While it is definitely doable, there are a lot more kinks to work out and will likely take a lot longer to roll out across the industry.
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Foresight in Focus - NMHC OPTECH 2022 in Review

Like many people in the industry, I just returned from a few days with about 2,500 of my closest friends in multifamily ops and technology. NMHC OPTECH, which took place in front of a record ...

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